Page 15 - 中国核能发展报告(2018)
P. 15


             in China and major achievements made in 2017. In nuclear power construction
             and operation, the scale of operating nuclear power plants grows steadily, and their

             operation are safe and stable. As of the end of 2017, the total installed capacity of
             operating nuclear power plants ranks fourth in the world. In 2007 alone, the total
             generation of nuclear power plants in commercial operation ranks third in the world,
             without operational events of scale 1 or above in the International Nuclear Event

             Scales (INES); China is in the world leading position for the scale of nuclear power
             plants under construction, and all projects are orderly underway; As of the end of

             2017, the scale of  nuclear power plants under construction still ranks first in the
             world. In scientific and technological innovation, China's independent-innovation
             capability has been greatly improved, self-developed third generation technologies

             represented by HPR1000 and CAP1400 have taken shape. Meanwhile, the HTR-
             PM project has been orderly underway, and the R&D and demonstration project of
             SMRs have achieved diversified development. In the field of nuclear fuel, China's

             nuclear fuel cycle capability has been further strengthened, which comprehensively
             supports the sustainable development of nuclear power; the quaternity natural uranium
             supply and security system combining "domestic mining, overseas development,

             international trade and strategic reservation" has been gradually improved; the nuclear
             fuel processing capability has been continuously improved, with important technical

             breakthroughs made in some key areas. In 2017, the uranium conversion production
             line was completed and put into operation, which makes China among countries with
             ten-thousand-ton uranium conversion capacity; the spent nuclear fuel and radioactive
             wastes have been effectively controlled. In nuclear equipment manufacture, the nuclear

             equipment manufacturing capability has been continuously improved, breakthroughs
             were made in key equipment localization. The localization rate of indigenous 1000

             MWe nuclear power equipment has reached 85% or above. The complete plant
             manufacturing capability has formed on a considerable scale, with annual major
             nuclear equipment manufacturing capability of eight to ten 1000 MWe PWR NPPs.

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